IDC #EUR145482319 Sage Infobrief

An IDC InfoBrief, Sponsored by 7 How to Become a Great SaaS Partner Differentiating for success:  SaaS partners require a strategy to compensate for revenue fluctuation in the transition to SaaS Selling SaaS requires a combination of differentiation tactics, which include: Selling new products and services that are complementary to SaaS Collaborating with other partners to create solutions and extend capabilities Investing in specialisation — either for specific industries or in specialist technologies Developing and selling repeatable intellectual property (IP) What to think about as you transform your organisation for SaaS success: Neutralise internal resistance to change. Champion SaaS advocates and empower them within the business. Leverage all training and resources available from vendors to develop SaaS-related skills and services competencies. Focus on talent — hire, retain, retrain and rebalance the skills pool to create the optimum skill set within your business. Partner with other partners to bring in additional skills. Anticipate significant revenue model changes. Invest in IP, specialisation, partner-to-partner collaboration and SaaS-related services to compensate. 1 3 2 4 Successful SaaS partners create a clear change road map, anticipate and plan for significant changes to revenue models, and focus on developing complementary skills, services and IP.