IDC #EUR145482319 Sage Infobrief

An IDC InfoBrief, Sponsored by 15 How to Become a Great SaaS Partner Net promoter score (NPS) NPS is a measure of customer loyalty based on answers to a survey question asking customers to rate the likelihood of them recommending a specific service or product (on a 0–10 scale). NPS is typically the percentage of 9 or 10 responses (“promoters”) minus the percentage of 0–6 responses (“detractors”); it can range from 0% to 100% . Net retention rate (NRR) NRR is analogous to gross retention, but also includes expanded revenue through upsell/cross- sell. Therefore, NRR can exceed 100%. Customer satisfaction (CSAT) CSAT is a customer feedback measure. It is the share of positive responses (usually “satisfied” or “very satisfied” answers) among all customers asked to rate their level of satisfaction with a given service or product. It can range from 0% to 100%.