IDC #EUR145482319 Sage Infobrief

An IDC InfoBrief, Sponsored by 13 How to Become a Great SaaS Partner Incorporating and monitoring these new metrics requires you to adjust your accounting and reporting systems. These new metrics need to be incorporated into all business operations. They need to inform your business strategy and, crucially, how you incentivise your workforce. As you transition to SaaS, it is critically important to understand and balance your mix of upfront, project-based revenue versus recurring revenue. New metrics should guide the transition. Click here to learn more 1 3 2 Measuring success: SaaS is a fundamentally different business model that runs on different metrics Selling SaaS requires a change in the metrics used to track and steer business performance, requiring partners to adjust: Tracking and performance monitoring Financial reporting Compensation models for recurring revenue What to think about as you transform your organisation for SaaS success: Successful partners incorporate and leverage new metrics — especially ARR , CAC and CLV — to navigate their transition to SaaS, set their strategy and track business performance.